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13.Jinye Temple in Datong Mountain



  Jinye Temple in Datong Mountain is 5 kilometers away from west Yangxi County and has 10,000 jade Buddhas. That’s why it is also called “10,000 Buddhas City” and it attracted 125,000 tourists in 2005. Jinye Temple which was first built in the sixteenth year of Kangxi in Qing Dynasty and rebuilt in 1988 has a long history. It is surrounded by mountains and trees, while spring flowing through it slowly. The top of the door lays a horizontal tablet, on which the word “Jinye Temple” was written by the president of Chinese Buddhists Association Zhao Puchu. Miaokong Master donated more than 2000 Burma jade Buddhas to this temple in 2000. The largest Lying Buddha has a length of 7 meters, a height of 2.5 meters, a weight of 27 tons and is the largest Jade Lying Buddha in Asia.


Address: Yangxi County, Guangdong 

Tel:  86-662-5999319  

Ticket Price: Free


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