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Investment and Service Organization


Name of Agency


Phone Number

Yangjiang Investment and Service Center

Administration and Service Center in Dongfeng Second Road

86-662-3362101 86-662-3362221

Yangjiang Bureau of Commerce

Imp. & Exp. United Inspection Zone, Jin Shan South Road

86-662-3361879  86-662-3362816

Yangjiang Development and Innovation Bureau

No.310, Mojiang Road


Yangjiang Informative Science and Industry Bureau

No.38, Anning Road


Administration and Service Center of Jiangcheng District

First Floor of People's Congress and Political Consultative Conference Building in Modong Road

86-662-3113199  86-662-3113312

Investment and Administration Service Centre of Yangchun City

Chaonan Road in urban area


Investment and Service Center of Yangdong County

Second Floor of Comprehensive Building in Shixing Road


Investment and Service Center of Yangxi County

No.19, People Road


Investment and Service Center of Hailing Island Test Zone

South of Zhapo Traveling Road



十堰市| 郧西县| 衡南县| 汤原县| 平乡县| 九台市| 陵川县| 江源县| 登封市| 乌海市| 雅江县| 青神县| 乐安县| 德阳市| 汝州市| 棋牌| 盈江县| 德保县| 海伦市| 宣恩县| 开阳县| 化隆| 喜德县| 曲松县| 柳江县| 扶绥县| 庆元县| 贡嘎县| 海门市| 通江县| 武城县| 武城县| 旺苍县| 平顶山市| 双牌县| 湄潭县| 文登市| 腾冲县| 赫章县| 邢台市| 南乐县|