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Mayor of Yangjiang --- Wen Zhanbin
  Division of Labor:
  In charge of the whole work of Yangjiang government and audit.


  First Deputy Mayor --- Chen Ji
  Division of Labor:
  Assist mayor in organization establishment. In charge of government agencies, government affairs pulicity, development & innovation, price, statistics,food supplies, finance,state-owne...


  Deputy Mayor --- Wang Qingli
  Division of Labor:
  In charge of Zhuhai counterpart cooperation affairs.


  Deputy Mayor --- Li Mengzhi
  Division of Labor:
  In charge of municipal and rural construction, urban management, environmental protection, territorial resources, civil air defense, nuclear emergency, human resources & social security.


  Deputy Mayor --- Feng Songbai
  Division of Labor:
  In charge of agriculture, assist in poverty, forestry, water utilities, marine fishery, supply and marketing artel, civil administration, emergency operation.


  Deputy Mayor --- Liang Jinhai
  Division of Labor:
  In charge of public security, supervision, judicature, the People's Armed Force, marine defence &anti-smuggling, stability of petition letters.


  Deputy Mayor --- Cai Dewei
  Division of Labor:
  In charge of traffic & transportation, communication, commerce, port, science & technology, economy & informationization, intellectual property right, earthquake, quality supervision, busi...


  Deputy Mayor --- Cheng Fengying
  Division of Labor:
  In charge of education, sanitation & family planning , culture, news publication,broadcast television, gymnastics, food & drug supervision, Taiwan affairs, nationality, religion, city...

海淀区| 柞水县| 城固县| 友谊县| 丹棱县| 吉隆县| 新干县| 凌源市| 西畴县| 金寨县| 彭水| 石柱| 兴隆县| 大田县| 建阳市| 洞头县| 南安市| 湘潭市| 锡林浩特市| 黄陵县| 望奎县| 钦州市| 南充市| 合江县| 海口市| 永清县| 治多县| 体育| 陇西县| 绩溪县| 北海市| 铜梁县| 泰安市| 叙永县| 通化县| 新民市| 临邑县| 嘉义县| 黑水县| 抚宁县| 垣曲县|