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Yangjiang Delegation Went to Have Commercial Activities

  Yangjiang Delegation which was led by Deputy Mayor Li Rifang visited India, Indonesia and Sri Lanka to have commercial activities recently. These commercial activities has developed tight commercial relationship with these three countries visited and helped Yangjiang hardware knives & scissors enterprises to open up overseas markets.

罗城| 通州市| 德钦县| 故城县| 东明县| 三门峡市| 汤原县| 甘肃省| 乐平市| 曲松县| 长武县| 台南市| 易门县| 大理市| 莎车县| 黄骅市| 同江市| 西宁市| 右玉县| 汶上县| 乐昌市| 社会| 东阳市| 阿坝| 岗巴县| 涞源县| 抚远县| 依安县| 芒康县| 兴安县| 沾化县| 关岭| 平舆县| 鸡东县| 惠来县| 林州市| 鲁山县| 大庆市| 永州市| 仁布县| 民丰县|