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The 15th Yangjiang Hardware Knives & Scissors Fair Opens Today

   The 15th (Yangjiang) International Hardware Knives & Scissors Fair opens today, which got broad attention of the media from China and abroad. Yangjiang held Hardware Knives & Scissors News Media Conference yesterday afternoon to introduce the main spotlights and activity schedule of this fair to the media representatives.

叶城县| 扶风县| 怀来县| 裕民县| 文化| 万宁市| 津南区| 枣强县| 兴义市| 新民市| 海原县| 博白县| 岳阳市| 平罗县| 平果县| 杂多县| 周至县| 永和县| 漳州市| 博白县| 霍城县| 米脂县| 汶上县| 名山县| 师宗县| 故城县| 和林格尔县| 四川省| 丽水市| 大邑县| 七台河市| 宁强县| 盐城市| 全南县| 江西省| 龙江县| 九龙坡区| 吕梁市| 都江堰市| 刚察县| 上林县|