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2016 Yangjiang Kite Culture Festival Opened

  As one of the important activities of Yangjiang People Culture Festival, 2016 Yangjiang Kite Culture Festival opened today. Light kite show, traditional kite manufacturing process show, International kite invitational tournament, Guangdong kite tournament and so on. Citizens could get a good touch of kite culture through taking part in almost 11 interesting activities there.

略阳县| 苍山县| 石楼县| 石城县| 广南县| 灵武市| 栾川县| 汝阳县| 汉沽区| 砚山县| 杂多县| 余姚市| 潢川县| 江津市| 湘乡市| 天峻县| 太仓市| 灵武市| 绥宁县| 安吉县| 神池县| 高碑店市| 定西市| 长武县| 清水河县| 宝丰县| 大英县| 长宁区| 黑山县| 普洱| 渑池县| 沙田区| 甘南县| 获嘉县| 鞍山市| 长乐市| 威宁| 双城市| 屯门区| 西藏| 浠水县|