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Yangjiang Held “Feng Ya Song”Peom Recitation Contest

  Yangjiang “Feng Ya Song” Peom Recitation Contest was held at the report hall of Yangjiang Library yesterday. There were 33 contestants participating in this contest. This contest had first ,second and third prizes and was held by Yangjiang Public Culture Association.

慈溪市| 商水县| 寻甸| 博乐市| 武定县| 南城县| 河曲县| 专栏| 大城县| 浦北县| 格尔木市| 双峰县| 乐陵市| 洛川县| 淮安市| 米易县| 岳阳市| 金阳县| 岳西县| 阳泉市| 晋城| 伊吾县| 泸定县| 保亭| 琼结县| 凉山| 长沙县| 北海市| 于都县| 广宁县| 米易县| 闽侯县| 修文县| 敦化市| 缙云县| 河曲县| 广元市| 商河县| 司法| 鸡泽县| 原平市|