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  Yangjiang was permitted to become a city by the Sate Council of the People’s Republic of China in 1988 and is a prefecture-level city. This city has a district-Jiangcheng District, a county-level city-Yangchun City, two counties-Yangdong County and Yangxi County, 39 towns, 9 street committees, 699 village neighborhood committees, 101 neighborhood committees and sets up two zones (Hailing Economic Development Test Zone and Yangjiang Hi-Tech Development Zone )with the permission of Guangdong Provincial Government.

  Jangcheng District administers Buchang Town, Shuangjie Town and 8 street committees such as Nanen, Chengnan, Chengdong, Chengbei, Ganglie, Chengxi, Zhongzhou, Baisha.

  Yangchun City administers Chuncheng street committee and a number of towns such as Beimian, Gangmei, Guigang, Heshui, Hekou, Helang, Mashui, Sanjia, Shiwang, Shuanggu, Songbai, Tanshui, Chunwan, Yongning, Bajia.

  Yangdong County administers a number of towns such as Dongcheng, Beiguan, Daba, Dagou, Dongping, Heshan, Tangping, Yashao, Xinzhou, Nalong, Hongfeng.

  Yangxi County administers a number of towns such as Zhihuang, Xitou, Chengcun, Shangyang, Rudong, Shapa, Tangkou, Xinxu.  

  Hailing Economic Development Test Zone administers Hailing and Zhapo Town.

  Yangjiang Hi-Tech Development Zone administers Pinggang Town.

遵义市| 象山县| 克山县| 桂平市| 巴彦县| 海盐县| 中方县| 马公市| 梨树县| 佛山市| 清丰县| 泰顺县| 崇明县| 年辖:市辖区| 长武县| 固阳县| 随州市| 岳阳县| 花莲县| 拜城县| 汽车| 准格尔旗| 维西| 大名县| 通渭县| 盘山县| 将乐县| 绥江县| 彰武县| 昂仁县| 永泰县| 安阳市| 平原县| 明溪县| 右玉县| 万宁市| 游戏| 根河市| 灵川县| 北京市| 六枝特区|