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  According to the archaeological discoveries of “Yangchun Dushizai Ancient Cultural Relic of Fossil Human”, the ancestors of Liangyang people appeared ten thousand years ago.

  Government of Sui Dynasty established Yangjiang County and Yangchun County in 606.

  Yangjiang County was upgraded as Zhili State twice in 1867. Government of the Republic of China established Yangjiang County and Yangchun County again in 1912.

  Yangjiang was permitted to become a city by the Sate Council of the People’s Republic of China in 1988 and is a prefecture-level city now.


中阳县| 商南县| 彰化市| 通州区| 湟源县| 翁源县| 新化县| 浑源县| 永寿县| 大冶市| 内丘县| 荔波县| 靖江市| 卢湾区| 永济市| 南充市| 江山市| 隆回县| 石楼县| 常山县| 宣武区| 崇仁县| 德江县| 赤城县| 三亚市| 大方县| 巴东县| 岳池县| 甘洛县| 庆城县| 阳山县| 济宁市| 鄂伦春自治旗| 宁津县| 通城县| 深水埗区| 呼和浩特市| 张家川| 昔阳县| 宜黄县| 枣庄市|